Vol 37, No 3 (2021)

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SAJCC Contents PDF


Critical care research in the resource-limited setting: Leveraging the power of the database PDF
K de Vasconcellos 83


Failed extubation in a tertiary-level hospital intensive care unit, Pretoria, South Africa PDF
L G Magose, M Z Koto 86
Experiences of emergency care providers conducting critical care transfers in Gauteng Province, South Africa PDF
A C G Senekal, C Vincent-Lambert 92
Association between pre-intensive care unit (ICU) hospital length of stay and ICU outcomes in a resource- limited setting PDF
S Khan, R Wise, S M Savarimuthu, G L Anesi 98


Guideline recommendations for antimicrobial stewardship education for clinical nursing practice in hospitals: A scoping review PDF
J Rout, S Essack, P Brysiewicz 104

Short Report

A retrospective evaluation of a multiplex polymerase chain reaction test directly applied to blood for the management of sepsis in the critically ill PDF
S Omar, S Murphy, R Gheevarghese, N Poppleton 115
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