Vol 36, No 1 (2020)

Table of Contents


Cover PDF


Contents PDF


Message from the CCSSA President - COVID-19: The greatest global critical care challenge of our time PDF
COVID Recommendations PDF


Commentary: Ethical considerations for COVID-19 research PDF
Brenda Morrow 8-9
Paediatric critical care during the COVID-19 pandemic PDF
B Rossouw, M McCulloch 10-11

Letter to editor

Torsade de pointes caused by hydroxychloroquine use in a patient with a severe form of COVID-19 PDF
Y Zarrouki, R Houssam, R Manal, D Fouzia, Z Amra, S M Abdenasser 12-13


The role of laboratory testing in hospitalised and critically ill COVID-19-positive patients PDF
S Omar, D Baker, R Siebert, I Joubert, B Levy, F Paruk, P D Gopalan 14-17


Variation in timing of decisions to withdraw lifesustaining treatment in adult ICU patients from three centres in different geographies: Do clinical factors explain the difference? PDF
W H Seligman, N Sadovnikoff, I A Joubert, P Hutton, M Flint, A M Courtwright, K B Krishnamurthy, A M Joseph, S McKechnie 18-22
Results from the first audit of an intensive care unit in Botswana PDF
A O Milan, M Cox, K Molebatsi 23-27
Decision-making in ICU –An analysis of the ICU admission decision-making process using the 20-Questions Game PDF
P D Gopalan, S Pershad, B J Pillay 28-34
The accuracy of the FAST stroke assessment in identifying stroke at initial ambulance call into a South African private emergency call centre PDF
K G Crause, W Stassen 35-39
Intensive-care management of snakebite victims in rural sub-Saharan Africa: An experience from Uganda PDF
H-J Lang, J Amito, M Duenser, Raymond Towey 39-45
An audit of thyroid function testing in acutely ill patients at a South African academic hospital PDF
E C Kruger, M Conradie, A Coetzee, M Hoffmann 46-50
Perceived barriers to the development of the antimicrobial stewardship role of the nurse in intensive care: Views of healthcare professionals PDF
J Rout, P Brysiewicz 51-56
An evaluation of feeding practices and determination of barriers to providing nutritional support in a multidisciplinary South African intensive care unit PDF
E Elmezoughi, K de Vasconcellos 57-62